August 17, 2010

Chronic Oxygen Debt Syndrome

Chronic Oxygen Debt Syndrome© is the relatively new term for a condition long known to cause a host of diseases in man. 

How often are we advised of the following do/don’t list:  exercise, eat low-fat, low-carb, low-calorie,  no sodas or sweets, get a good night’s sleep, manage stress, moderate alcohol intake and definitely no smoking. 
The lowest common denominator to the do/don’t list is this:  each pathway has an oxygen-related component. 

That is, if we follow the advice of what to do and what not to do, our oxygen cycle will be in healthy balance.  For everything we eat/drink/feel, there should be enough oxygen to metabolize it all.   No more free radicals, no more anaerobic energy production creating an acidic pH, no more fatigue. 

Most of us, though, do not adhere to the do/don’t list as we should.  What then of our oxygen balance?  Chronic Oxygen Debt Syndrome is what we call the on-going result of not enough of the dos and too much of the don’ts.  It’s what happens when we don’t take perfect care of ourselves. 

And Chronic Oxygen Debt Syndrome is responsible for disease and aging.
There is enormous probability of impaired oxygen transfer and cellular oxygen uptake in the majority of today's adult population, hence the interest in Alternate Oxygen Therapies, and specifically in oxygen-enriched drinking water.

Long-term ingestion of oxygen-enriched water should apply to the majority of the population, most of whom suffer from Chronic Oxygen Debt Syndrome.

August 16, 2010

The Big Pitcher Eliminates Chlorine In Your Drinking Water

Chlorine has been used as an effective disinfectant in drinking water supplies for nearly 100 years. Chlorine is considered necessary to destroy many of the bacteria in your drinking water.
Health officials are concerned with the chlorinating by-products, also known as "chlorinated hydrocarbons" or trihalomethanes (THM's). Most THM's are formed in drinking water when chlorine reacts with naturally occurring substances such as decomposing plant and animal materials. Risk for certain types of cancer are now being correlated to the consumption of chlorinated drinking water.

The President's Council on Environmental Quality states that "there is increased evidence for an association between rectal, colon and bladder cancer and the consumption of chlorinated drinking water." Suspected carcinogens make the human body more vulnerable through repeated ingestion and research indicates the incidence of cancer is 44% higher among those using chlorinated water.

Even though the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) adopted new regulations in 1980 for cities to lower the chlorination by-products in water to level not exceeding 100 parts per billion, experts believe that it still doesn't provide proper safeguards and should be strengthened. Unfortunately, there is a little likelihood that the use of chlorine will be discontinued since it is currently the most economically acceptable chemical for bacterial control at this time.

It is ironic that the process of chlorination, by which we cleanse our water of infectious organisms, can create cancer-causing substances from otherwise innocent chemicals in water.

Oxygen - Friend and Foe

By: Jess Ba-ad
Oxidation is a natural occurrence. It happens when some atoms or molecules reacts with oxygen. Oxygen is like a magnet for electrons. Molecules whose electrons are not tightly bonded to its nucleus tends to give up an electron to the oxygen. That molecule is then said to be oxidized.

Most stable atoms and molecules have electrons that are in pairs. If one of the electrons loses its pair (becomes a free radical), their tendency is to 'steal' an electron from neighboring atoms to make itself 'whole' so to speak. This becomes the onset of a free radical chain reaction until an antioxidant is encountered.

We witness oxidation in our everyday lives: iron rusts when exposed to oxygen, meat of fruits turning brown when exposed to oxygen, meat fat getting rancid when exposed to oxygen.

We breathe oxygen and our blood distributes it to our cells giving us life and at the same time exposing our insides to possible free radical chain reactions.

The mitochondria, the energy producer of a cell, requires oxygen to manufacture energy. The process undergoes several controlled oxidation of several molecules until energy(ATP) is produced. A by-product of this process are free radicals. Heavy physical activities can multiply these by-product of free radicals several times because the cells need more oxygen to produce more energy. As the energy production grows, free radical by-product also grows.

Free radical chain reactions can damage or 'deform' healthy cells. The onset of many degenerative diseases may be caused by these damages that free radicals leave behind. Some diseases that may be caused by free radicals are Alzheimer's disease, cardiovascular disease, macular degeneration and even cancer.

Researchers has also discovered that cell damages caused by free radicals are one of the factors that causes aging. Minimizing free radical chain reactions can increase our average life span.

Since oxidation is a natural occurrence, our bodies are also equipped with 'defenses' for that.

Antioxidants are molecules that can give up or donate an electron to another molecule without becoming unstable or reactive. When a free radical 'steals' an electron from an antioxidant, the chain reaction stops.

Our bodies have internal antioxidants on 'stand by' to stop free radical reactions. Some of these are:
Superoxide Dismutase(SOD)

But sad to say, some internal antioxidants are produced less by our bodies as we age especially when we reach about the age of 30.

Glutathione levels can be raised by supplementing with N-Acetyl Cysteine. N-Acetyl Cysteine not only raises glutathione levels but has other properties that are really beneficial to our bodies.

CoQ10 is also better supplemented as we age. Like N-Acetyl Cysteine, it is not only a potent antioxidant but it also has other properties that benefits our bodies. Read more on CoQ10 at:

Assisting these 'internal' antioxidants, we also take in 'external' antioxidants from the food we eat like:
Vitamin C
Vitamine E
Beta Carotene(Vitamin A)
Bioflavonoids from fruits and vegetables

The food we eat may not be enough to supplement our antioxidant requirements mainly because of our eating habits. It would take quite a discipline to stick to a diet to meet our antioxidant needs.

There are also external causes that can build up free radical reactions in our body like smoking, toxic fumes, second hand smoke from smokers and radiation from sunlight. Even irregular exercise can cause free radical chain reactions.

Funny how oxygen can be life giving and at the same time life threatening. But this is the world we live in - everything has an opposite; male-female, light-dark, cold-hot, peace-war. What matters is how we deal with it.

About the Author
The author writes about antioxidants and free radicals in layman's terms.Visit his website at:
(ArticlesBase SC #142992)
Article Source: - Oxygen - Friend and Foe

Health Benefits Of Drinking Oxygen Water - Improves Your Cellular Health Naturally

Copyright (c) 2010 Kenneth Lee
The health benefits of drinking water is something you cannot take for granted since the natural water is the source of your health and longevity.

Without water, the body would stop working properly. Water makes up 75 percent of the body weight and a person can't survive for more than a few days without it. For example, your blood, which contains a lot of water, carries oxygen to all the cells of your body. Without oxygen, those tiny cells would die and your body would simply stop working.

The body's cells are affected by genetic programming and sufficient quantities of water and oxygen. Each cell must be nourished by oxygen and water, when either water or oxygen is missing, your cellular structures deteriorates.

Cellular deterioration is caused by environmental factors, such as pollution, industrial waste, radiation and exposure to trace metals - all the things we are exposed to every day.

People have a recipe for cell degeneration whenever they add the stress of keeping up with their life's demands. This radical cell damage is what caused aging. We notice this free-radical cell damage on our skin, which become less resilient, resulting in wrinkles. As we get older, we begin to have less stamina, energy and mental focus.

You can think of your body as a fire, it really needs fuel such as wood, but it must have oxygen to increase the flames. My point is your body needs lot of oxygen around your cells, anything you could do to increase the amount of oxygen in your body can benefit your cellular health and slow the aging process.

Of course, you want to build up your immune defenses and improve the quality of your health, right? The question is how do you get enough oxygen? The simple answer is drinking water.

The water tastes like natural spring water; the biggest difference is it comes with a patented the natural energy-advancing formula. This nutraceutical beverage helps oxygenate and nourish your cells, it increase your blood oxygen level in your body and brain, the way you experience more stamina, energy, and endurance naturally.

Here's list of additional health benefits of the natural energy-advancing formula include as below:
  1. Helps enhancing the absorption of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, proteins and other important nutrients.
  2. Helps recover fatigue quickly.
  3. Helps support healthy circulation system.
  4. Helps strengthen the immune system.
  5. Helps increase concentration and restore mental alertness.
  6. Helps improve memory and prevent memory loss. # Helps relieve stress and anxiety.
  7. Promotes an anti-inflammatory response in your body.
 As you can see, there are lots of the life-improving benefits of drinking water, no matter you used to drink other brand's spring or distilled water, you can try this nutraceutical beverage and experience it and see how you would feel.

If this natural energy-advancing formula really works for you, you can REPLACE coffees, vitamin water, other energy juices and other health supplements with this nutraceutical beverage without having to change your habit.

It was reported that many people still underestimated the importance of drinking water; you should not be one of them!

About the Author
Learn more about, which the Archaea Active formula information is included. Also you can visit the LiveHealthyAgain com website:
(ArticlesBase SC #1896211)
Article Source: - Health Benefits Of Drinking Oxygen Water - Improves Your Cellular Health Naturally

Alternative Cancer Treatments - Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

By: Bianca Tavares

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is a treatment which essentially involves providing the body with extra oxygen. The word 'Hyper' means 'increased' and 'Baric' refers to pressure. As we all know, Oxygen is one of the gases in the air that we breathe and is essential for life. The air that we breathe normally contains 21% oxygen. Breathing in 100% oxygen under increased pressure within a hyperbaric chamber allows extra oxygen to be forced into the blood stream and dissolved at a much faster rate than if pressure was not used. Another effect is the increased oxygen transport capacity of the blood. Under atmospheric pressure, oxygen transport is limited by the oxygen binding capacity of hemoglobin in red blood cells, which almost reaches saturation at atmospheric pressure, very little oxygen being transported by plasma. However Oxygen transport by plasma is significantly increased under HBO therapy.This extra oxygen can help where healing is retarded due to infection or limited blood supply through tissue damage.

Benefits of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy:
- HBO facilitates the growth of new blood vessels, enabling the transport of additional blood; - HBO augments the body's natural defence mechanisms to fight infection and kill bacteria; - HBO helps reduce any swelling that may occur around an area subjected to radiotherapy.

The treatment is normally painfree and is carried out in specially-designed chambers known as "hyperbaric chambers". There are two basic types of chamber: monoplace chambers and a multiplace chambers.

A monoplace hyperbaric chamber for treating one person at a time and involves the patient lying on a padded stretcher that is then slid into a clear plastic chamber about 2ft in width. Once inside, the door is closed and the chamber is pressurised.

Multiplace hyperbaric chambers can treat several people at a time. The multiplace chamber is the type most frequently used. These chambers are big enough to accommodate sometimes as many as a dozen patients at a time and it is possible to walk into them. Patients either sit on benches or lie inside these chambers. 100% pure oxygen is administered via either a mask or a clear plastic hood. HBO sessions usually last from one to three hours depending on the nature of the treatment program. Treatment sessions within the hyperbaric chamber are normally repeated over several days or even weeks.
HBO therapy is increasingly being used for helping patients who have been subjected to conventional radiotherapy treatment for cancer and are now suffering the after-effects. A major problem with radiotherapy is that, since it not only kills cancer cells but also nearby healthy cells at the same time, it can cause changes in the oxygen supply to tissues in the treated area, since less blood is supplied to the area. The result is that it becomes more difficult oxygen and essential nutrients to reach the tissues. Over a period of time these tissues can become very fragile, break down and ulcerate. Sometimes tissue can even completely die (radiation necrosis).

Studies indicate that HBO therapy can be effective in the following conditions:
- Chronic lymphoedema in breast cancer; - Chronic radiation cystitis; - Pelvic cancer; - Bowel cancer; - Prostate cancer; - Osteoradionecrosis; - Chronic radiation proctitis; - Acute blood loss anemia
I hope that this brief article on Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy has provided a brief insight into the importance of oxygen in the correct functioning of the body, plus its role not only in the treatment of cancer but also how it can be used in overcoming some of the serious adverse side effects of conventional cancer treatments. Perhaps it will encourage you to further investigate this fascinating subject. As always, you should seek the guidance of a professional medical fractioned before taking any medications or undergoing any form of therapy.

About the Author
Dr. Tavares is a medical consultant experienced in traditional and complementary medicine. Her writing about prostate cancer symptoms can be found at Alternative Cancer Treatments.
(ArticlesBase SC #45401)
Article Source: - Alternative Cancer Treatments - Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Discover How Oxygen Therapy Can Improve your Health

By: Chuck JaymesDid you know that each year hundreds of thousands of Americans are diagnosed with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)? Many of these individuals and others who suffer from various lung diseases will be required to receive oxygen therapy. Numerous studies have determined that adults with chronic lung disorders who receive oxygen therapy not only live longer, they also have an improved quality of life.

Lack of adequate oxygen, often referred to as oxygen deficiency, can lead to a number of serious health problems. Untreated oxygen deficiency can reduce lung function to the extent that long-term oxygen therapy is required to continue normal bodily function. Oxygen deficiency has been linked to every major illness category including heart disease, respiratory disease and cancer. All heart attacks are brought about by the failure of the heart muscle's inability to receive adequate supplies of oxygen. Inadequate oxygen levels in the body weakens the immune system which can lead to viral infections, damaged cells, inflamed joints and circulatory problems.

Warning Signs of Possible Oxygen Deficiency:
  • Shortness of breath
  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Depression
  • Memory loss
  • Circulation problems
  • Irritability
  • Irrational behavior
  • Poor digestion
  • Muscle aches and pains
If you are experiencing some or all of these symptoms, you should see your physician immediately. A doctor's prescription is required to receive oxygen therapy. If oxygen therapy is prescribed, you will discover a number of substantial health benefits. Besides reducing the amount of strain on the heart that can lead to heart failure, receiving oxygen allows the bodies other major organs to function properly. Oxygen therapy reduces sleep disruption caused by inadequate oxygen, increasing energy levels and giving you an overall feeling of well being.

Additional Oxygen Therapy Benefits:
  • Provides headache relief
  • Increases mental clarity
  • Decreases shortness of breath
  • Allows for increased physical activity
  • Relieves nausea
There are 3 methods for receiving oxygen therapy: compressed oxygen cylinders, liquid oxygen cylinders and oxygen concentrators. Many oxygen therapy patients are discovering that today's vastly improved portable oxygen concentrators are the way to go. Not only do portable oxygen concentrators provide increased mobility, they are also energy efficient and easy to maintain. There is no refilling or deliveries to schedule with oxygen concentrators. If your doctor has prescribed oxygen therapy, let innovative portable oxygen concentrators like the SeQual Eclipse and Inogen One allow you to lead a full and active life.

About the Author - Chuck Jaymes is an indoor air quality professional for
Oxygen Concentrators and
offers reviews and information about
Portable Oxygen Concentrator
for OscarAir, Inc.

(ArticlesBase SC #146070)

Article Source: - Discover How Oxygen Therapy Can Improve your Health

Oxygen- The Most Vital Element to Human Health- Are You Getting the Oxygen You Need?

Author: L. Nichols
Oxygen is the most vital element for the human body. So why is it then, the one element of our health that we all take for granted. The answer is simple- while we are breathing one breath after another, we just presume that we are getting enough of it! The truth is though, that this is not the case. 200 years ago the quality of the air was much higher with an oxygen quantity of 30%. Today though, as a result of global pollution and the depletion of our natural resources the air only contains 19% oxygen and in some cities as low as 10% oxygen.

Oxygen in the blood stream nourishes the body's cells, creates energy and helps break down waste products and toxins. It creates immune system defense and it regulates the body's pH balance. Oxygen plays a crucial role in the fight against disease. It has been proven that diseases such as Cancer thrive in an acid pH, so it is imperative that we oxygenate our bodies and maintain an Alkaline pH if we wish to maintain our health and wellness.

Oxygen in the body is necessary for all vital functions and the elimination of waste products. Oxygen gives our bodies the fighting power to resist pathogens, bacteria and viruses.

Cardiovascular physiologist Dr Arthur Guyton MD has been quoted as saying "All chronic suffering is caused from lack of oxygen at the cell level".

It is a proven fact that oxygen deficiency eventually leads to disease or illness of some form. "Insufficient oxygen means insufficient biological energy that can result in anything from mild fatigue to life threatening disease" as quoted by Dr W Spencer Way- who wrote in the Journal of the American Association of Physicians.

There are many factors that cause Oxygen Deficiency. Some of these are : Overcooking our food which kills the enzymes, Breathing carbon monoxide fumes which strips oxygen from the blood, Eating processed foods that have little or no oxygen content and are full of chemicals, Drinking tap water with chemical additives such as flouride, De-forestation, Alcohol and Lack of exercise.

Exercise is the easiest way to get oxygen into the bloodstream. The problem is though, that in today's society the majority of people are not making time, or simply cannot find the time to exercise.

Dr Paris Kid PhD is quoted as saying "We can look at oxygen deficiency as the single greatest cause of all disease!" Oxygen deprivation to the cells can cause a wide range of conditions, some of these are: premature aging, body weakness, muscle aches, stress and anxiety, irritability, fatigue, circulation problems, viral infections, poor digestion, bacterial and fungal infections and memory loss.

It is a proven fact that diseases such as cancer and AIDS, herpes and hepatitis, cannot tolerate high oxygen cells in the blood stream. This alone is reason enough to make a conscious effort to ensure you are oxygenating the blood. If you feel that factors of your environment could be depleting the oxygen supply to your bloodstream, be sure to take a daily oxygen supplement to help counteract these factors.

Article Source:

About the Author
Lyn Nichols is and expert online trainer for Mastermind Pros and Liberty Health Net. She presents a weekly live training session on oxygen and other health topics. Lyn recommends the oxygen supplement from Liberty Health Net.

Does Your Body Need More Oxygen?

By: gennew9

There is not as much oxygen in our environment today as there was hundreds of years ago. At one time the oxygen level was at 38%, now it is at 21%, and in some cities, even as low as 18%. Thus in our present environment, we have only about half the oxygen that our bodies were designed to run on in order to be in good health.

Without adequate oxygen, our body fluids and blood can become dirty and toxic. Viruses, fungus, parasites, and unfriendly germs thrive in an environment that is low in oxygen, high in carbon dioxide, and high in acid or a low pH factor.

A Lack of Oxygen can cause:
  • Circulation problems
  • Memory loss
  • Irrational behavior
  • Irritability
  • Poor Digestion
  • Muscle aches & pains
  • Lung problems
  • Dizziness
  • Depression
  • Body weakness
  • And the list goes on
The body needs Adequate Oxygen for:
  • Energy
  • Digestion
  • Removing toxins
  • Fueling the muscles
  • Metabolizing fat & carbohydrates
  • Maintaining a healthy immune system
  • Removing viruses, parasites, and bacteria
  • Keeping the heart pumping & healthy
  • Helping the lungs to breathe
  • vAnd the list goes on
According to Dr. Otto Warburg, winner of the Nobel Prize for cancer research. “Cancer has only one prime cause. It is the replacement of normal oxygen respiration of the body’s cells by an anaerobic cell respiration.” Otherwise, there is not enough oxygen at the cellular level.

In addition, an insufficient supply of oxygen to the tissues, is a major cause of our worst diseases, including heart disease.

So what can you do to increase the oxygen level to your cells and provide your body with the oxygen it needs for optimum health? Here are six suggestions:
  1. Get more physical exercise
  2. Eat dark-colored berries
  3. Eat plenty of green, leafy vegetables
  4. Avoid trans fats
  5. Take oxygen-enhancing products, such as Cellfood & other oxygen products.
  6. Take food-based antioxidants, such as in wild blueberries.
Of course, if you are under a doctor’s care and taking prescription medicines, you would be wise to check with him or her before making any significant changes in diet or exercise.

About the Author
My Self : - Parveen Kumar
Details Below :-
Name :- Parveen Kumar
email Id :-
Address :- SCF-113, Phase XI, Mohali - 160055.
Punjab. Inida

Did you find this article useful? For more useful tips and hints, points to ponder and keep in mind, techniques, and insights pertaining to a healthy heart and prevention of heart diseases, do please browse for more information at our websites.

(ArticlesBase SC #414860)
Article Source: - Does Your Body Need More Oxygen?

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Oxygen Deprivation – The Major Cause Of All Disease

By: Gillian Grannum
Dr. Otto Warburg, a two-time Nobel Prize winner surprised the world when he revealed that the cause of most disease is lack of a sufficient oxygen in the body. People in today's society lack oxygen in sufficient supply  to promote and maintain good health. Oxygen deficiency fosters the build-up of disease in the body, which, over time, takes hold and overwhelms the body's immune system.
Studies performed to determine oxygen supply to the body showed that only 15 percent of oxygen is incorporated in the blood stream. The overabundance of air pollutants in today’s world makes it exceedingly difficult for the body's cells to get the oxygen they need. This oxygen shortage is compounded by poor breathing practices, the consumption of over-processed foods and the uncontrolled use of antibiotics, all of which sum to oxygen deprivation.

To compensate for this some health-conscious individuals practice deep breathing exercises. Though helpful, deep breathing exercises do not restore oxygen in sufficient quantities to sustain optimum health.

How To Eradicate Disease
All you have to do is maintain a healthy body. This is the greatest immunity against all forms of disease. Sounds simply enough, doesn't it? Yet this relationship between the intake of oxygen in sufficient quantity and maintenance of well-being deeply threatens the American medical industry.

The Scourge of Medical Conglomerates
This industry derives ridiculous profits from selling you costly medicines and recommending the use of expensive therapies. There is absolutely no profit to be made when you maintain a high standard of health and well-being.

What’s worse, these conglomerates insure the continuance of their overpriced "cures" through creating and supporting pharma-cartels composed of activists with access to important decision-makers within federal agencies and the United States Congress. The result? Many individuals are over-medicated. One completely out-of-control form of drug therapy is that of pharmaceutical antibiotics. These have been prescribed to the point where they have, for the most part, lost their effectiveness.  Ever-increasing amounts must be taken to counteract bacterial infection to the delight of those manufacturing antibiotics.

What Is The One-Minute Cure?
It is the simplest, most efficient and yet very affordable solution that supplies the body with the necessary oxygen it needs. This is the secret pharmaceutical companies and other health agencies in America  want hidden from you. This one-time cure eradicates not only the most virulent cancers but virtually all disease. In fact, AIDS patients in the later stage of this disease who discovered this secret overcame the odds and were revived to health and well-being.

Believe It Or Not, Even Cancer Can Be Cured
One of the most important requirements to curing cancer is that of supplying the human body with sufficient oxygen for  the body's cells and tissues. Increased oxygen accelerates the production of strong cells that multiply quickly, restore the body's immune system which then assists in the eradication of disease. This process is called Oxygenation Therapy (also known as Bio-Oxidative therapy).

Want To Know More?
Information on this and much more has been put together by Madison Cavanaugh. He tells you exactly what to do and explains why this extraordinary therapy has been hidden from the American people on purpose. He explains why you should get information now -- before it is banned by business enterprises, associations and organizations that will definitely be financially threatened once you learn how to maintain wellness for yourself.

About the Author
Gillian C. Grannum, Ph.D. -- The advanced alternative treatment proven on all forms of disease, including cancer! (ArticlesBase SC #1301190) Article Source: - Oxygen Deprivation – The Major Cause Of All Disease

Will I Need Oxygen Therapy?

Author: Chuck Jaymes
Each year thousands of individuals in the United States are diagnosed with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), especially cigarette smokers. Many of these individuals will be prescribed oxygen therapy by their physician. As the population of the United States continues to age, more and more people are going to be required to use supplemental oxygen. COPD has several common signs and symptoms to alert individuals that they may have a respiratory problem. Some of the most common COPD warning signs are:
  • Dyspnea (shortness of breath)
  • Chronic cough
  • Wheezing
  • Hemoptysis (coughing up blood)
  • Ankle swelling
  • Unexplained weight loss or weight gain
  • Confusion, slurring of speech
  • Increasing morning headaches
COPD is a disease that progresses slowly and causes many changes to occur in the lungs. Narrowing of the airways and damage to the lung tissue are common occurrences for COPD patients. As the disease worsens, the lungs performance deteriorates, requiring the need for supplemental oxygen to make up for what your lungs are no longer able to do. COPD related inflammation destroys tissue in the lungs which reduce transportation of oxygen to the cells of the lungs and the transportation of carbon dioxide back out of the cells. The inflammation makes it harder for blood to get into the lungs, lowering the oxygen levels in the blood, which may result in pulmonary hypertension. The symptoms of pulmonary hypertension are shortness of breath, dizziness and fatigue.

If you exhibit some or all of these symptoms, you should see your physician immediately. The primary method used for diagnosing COPD is called spirometry. This procedure is a simple breathing test that measures airflow out of the lungs. If the amount of air you breathe out (forced expiratory volume) is reduced, this is a common diagnosis of COPD. Another method used to test blood oxygen levels is using a blood gas syringe to draw blood from an artery and send the blood through an analyzer to determine the level of oxygen. Although effective, this is a much more invasive procedure than spirometry.

Many patients ask "Will oxygen therapy cure my COPD?" The answer is no. Receiving supplemental oxygen helps your damaged lungs to do what they can no longer manage on their own. Receiving oxygen does not remedy your underlying lung disease. Long-term oxygen therapy should improve your quality of life. You should experience less instances of shortness of breath and feel increased energy levels. Oxygen therapy may also improve mental clarity and kidney function that can be impaired by low levels of oxygen in the blood. The majority of COPD patients are former smokers. If you are a smoker and continue to smoke, you may not benefit much from oxygen therapy.

Article Source:

About the Author

About the Author - Chuck Jaymes is an indoor air quality professional for Oxygen Concentrator and offers reviews and information aboutInogen One Portable Oxygen Concentrators for OscarAir, Inc.

Oxygen Water May Help You Stay Cancer Free

For his discovery of the nature and mode of action of the respiratory enzyme, the 1931 Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded to Otto Heinrich Warburg, M.D., 1883-1970. This discovery opened up new studies in cellular metabolism and cellular respiration. He has shown, among other things that cancerous cells can live and develop even in the absence of oxygen.

Dr. Warburg's name is often used to support the promotion of oxygen therapies and of drinking oxygenated water. Dr. Otto Warburg, a two-time Nobel Prize winner for research, found results that suggest oxygen deprived cells are more likely to become cancerous. These are healthy cells that become cancerous because of a lack of oxygen.

Unhealthy lifestyle choices account for up to half of all cancer deaths and smoking alone accounts for over 30 percent of these. Seventh-Day Adventists, who do not smoke, who drink minimal alcohol, who use caffeine moderately, and who favor vegetarianism, have notably lower rates of both lung and digestive tract cancers.

Consider colon cancer: In a study conducted at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, researchers conclude that women who drank more than four glasses of water per day (writer's note: not oxygen-enriched) had nearly half the odds of getting the disease (cancer) as women who drank two glasses or less. That risk reduction was almost comparable to the cancer-fighting benefits of eating five servings of fruits and vegetables a day.

A similar effect may keep cancer from taking hold in the urinary tract - home to your bladder, kidney, urethra and ancillary tissue. One study at the Cancer Research Center of Hawaii found that women who reported drinking the most tap water every day were a whopping 80% less likely to develop bladder cancer than those who drank the least. A few earlier studies have not reported such a dramatic result perhaps because they were conducted in areas where tap water is chlorinated more than Hawaiian municipal tap water.

Therefore, having cells with enough oxygen appears to be important to preventing cancer. Since oxygenated water provides more oxygen to the cells, then oxygenated water may do an even better job at keeping cells free from cancer.

Oxygen Water Can Prevent Viruses & Bacterial Infections

Another benefit to oxygen water involves preventing other sicknesses beside a major illness like cancer. Oxygen in the body helps promote the replication of good bacteria in the body. These good bacteria help to keep our body safe from bad bacteria that will harm us and make us sick.

In fact, pathogens (micro-organisms that cause disease) are almost never found in oxygen rich environments.  As a result, people with a lot of oxygen in their bloodstream, are much healthier and much less apt to get a virus or a bacterial infection.

On the flip side, people without a lot of oxygen in their bodies will be more lackadaisical and more apt to sickness.

August 15, 2010

Oxygen Water May Help With Overweight and Obesity

"A billion hours ago, human life appeared on earth", a 1996 Coca-Cola Company annual report reads. “A billion minutes ago, Christianity emerged. A billion Coca-Colas ago was yesterday morning." Overweight/Obesity is a pandemic. The numbers are staggering to comprehend, and the health of America is at stake. Hippocrates said he sees old patients and he sees fat patients, but never old, fat patients. Things have changed little since 400 BC.

A can of regular soda contains the equivalent of about 24 teaspoons of sugar. The oxygen demand of sugar is extremely high - to metabolize sugar requires a high level of oxygen.

Jelly and jam made from fruit does not require refrigeration - why? The sugars entrained in the jelly are unable to biodegrade with available oxygen in room air. These sugars require more than is available in room air and therefore will not deteriorate on the shelf.

Fats are made up of the same elements as those that form carbohydrates, but in fats these elements are combined in different proportions, being especially poor in oxygen. The chief fat of olive oil is olein which has the formula C57H104O6. This formula shows that this fat contains an enormous number of hydrogen atoms, a small number of oxygen atoms and a large number of carbon atoms.

Fats are spoken of as "concentrated food." They are readily oxidized, thus liberating heat.19 Given Le Chatêlier's principle, the chemical makeup of fat demands excessive oxygen - far more than muscle tissue - and may explain why overweight/obese patients experience high blood pressure, among other diseases, as the body strives toward dynamic equilibrium.

Contact Us

Thanks for your interest in contacting us. Please feel free to get in touch with us and ask us any questions you may have about The Big Pitcher or ordering The Big Pitcher from us. We look forward to serving your alternative oxygen therapy needs.


Monday - Friday, 8AM to 6PM Central Time

Phone 1-877-347-7770

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Oxygen Water May Help In Endocrine System

Researchers have known for decades that stress causes the body to secrete hormones that can harm the immune system. Joseph A. Boscarino, a senior scientist a the New York Academy of Medicine used health data on Vietnam veterans collected by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 20 years after the men were discharged from military service. The veterans who suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder were three times more likely to have an autoimmune illness than veterans not experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder.

According to renowned endocrinologist, Hans Sale, 1907-1982, M.D., Ph.D., formerly head of the University of Montreal's Institute of Experimental Medicine and Surgery, "reaction to stress is governed mainly by three tiny glands: the pituitary, which nestles under the brain, and the two adrenals, which sit on either side of the kidneys. Together they weigh only about a third of an ounce, yet the hormones they secrete have a huge influence on vital body functions."20

"The apparent cause of illness," says Dr. Selye "is often an infection, an intoxication, nervous exhaustion or merely old age. But actually a breakdown of the hormonal-adaptation mechanism appears to be the most common ultimate cause of death."

Vietnam veterans who suffer post-traumatic stress disorder are more likely to have autoimmune diseases such as arthritis, psoriasis and hypothyroidism, the CDC study has found.

The extremely potent hormones released by the pituitary and the adrenals have exceedingly high COD. The adaptation to and metabolism of these hormones require oxygen and a lot of it. The glands eventually wear out, test animals sicken and die. Oxygen is depleted throughout the entire system. Stress can kill.

Drink More Oxygen Water for More Energy

Author: wilsonstpeter

What makes up 70-80% of Our Planet? Water. What makes up 70-80% of Our Body? That’s right, Water.

So when you drink more water it has the double combination of feeding your body and clearing you of all the waste products that were built up in your system. Your brain needs water, and plenty of it. Without water, your brain will operate worn out, tired and sluggish. Water is the ultimate gift to give yourself to think with clarity. In addition, water acts as a kind of healthy lubricant moistening tissues and joints.

Water is the single most important nutrient you will give your body apart from oxygen.

Water rejuvenates us and carries vital nutrients all round the body where it’s needed. Water picks up all the leftovers, wastes and debris that the cells throw off into the lymph system and transport them out of the body via the channels of elimination.

If I ask you the difference between Inorganic and Organic minerals, chances are you couldn’t tell me, right?

Well let's briefly explain the difference. It’s a simple difference. Organic minerals come from plants; Inorganic minerals come from rocks and volcanic sources. Organic minerals can be broken down by the body. Inorganic minerals are not used by the body and are stored until suitable water can come and carry them out. Organic minerals can be broken down by the body, while inorganic cannot. One is derived from natural plant life; one is derived from rocks, filings and small pieces of grit. Which one makes more sense to use? It's better to get your plant minerals through the food you eat rather than the inorganic form in water. Bottled water is often taken, tested and found to have bacteria and very often isn’t rated much better than tap water.

The Purest Water In The World Is Distilled Water.
It’s as pure as rainwater should be if our atmosphere wasn’t polluted. If you haven’t yet heard that 70% of the world’s population is dehydrated - you will soon, as the UN push to get proper water supply to people in the third world. The second best method of filtering is a type of filtering called “reverse osmosis”.

Unfortunately the standard bench top filter isn’t enough. Most of the nasty contaminants in our water simply don’t have a taste. Some people feel it’s a case of out of sight out of mind. This may work for things people think, yet when it comes to your body, the life of your children, the health of those you care about and the line between getting cancer and surviving it’s far short of acceptable.The opportunity for energy, for vitality, for a quality of life is only known to a select few who choose to raise their standards and take action to apply what they know.

New discoveries are being made all the time as new research comes out of the United States, out of Germany, and out of Australia and other countries. How does this apply to me you may ask? Well, these contaminants can kill you. Is this a reason to get upset? No, it's simply an action signal to act smarter.

It’s so easy to refreshingly flood your body with purity that will flush out chemicals, clear out the lymph system and contribute to expelling excess weight in the body. Many people report who were struggling to drink half a liter of water a day, are now drinking 4 liters a day and up, with ease! If you can’t get distilled water, reverse osmosis filtered or table water is the next best option.

Water is an incredibly important aspect of our daily lives. Every day we drink water, cook with water, bathe in water, and participate in many other activities involving water.

However, even with all of the importance water holds in our lives, many of us know very little about the water we use each day. We drink tap water, enjoying the convenience and cost-effectiveness of this practice, yet, we fail to recognize the serious threat this water may pose to our health. Those who are willing to forgo the convenience of tap water and indulge in bottled water often know very little about the contents of that water and simply trust that bottled water must be better than tap water. Even conscientious consumers, who wisely attempt to treat their own water in an effort to ensure the healthfulness of that water, often know little about the many home water treatment options now available.

About the Author:
Water is the ultimate gift to give yourself to think with clarity.In addition, water acts as a kind of healthy lubricant moistening tissues and joints and it is the single most important nutrient you will give your body apart from oxygen.For more information, Visit us at

Article Source: - Drink More Water for More Energy

Oxygen Water Equals Desired Respiration

Oxygen is needed in the body in order for energy to be released from the food molecules. This is called aerobic respiration (the release of energy with oxygen present). This is the best way to produce energy in the body.

When there isn’t enough oxygen present, what happens is called anaerobic respiration. This anaerobic respiration results in only a partial breakdown of food molecules in order to continue producing energy. As a result lactic acid is produced as well. The lactic acid causes us to feel tired once it reaches certain sections of our muscles and blood.

Then once we are done moving, the body needs even more oxygen to break down the lactic acid. This is why we breathe heavily (pant) after exercising.

So this takes us directly to the first health benefit of oxygenated water. Getting more oxygen in the body will actually give us more energy and allow us to be more active for a longer period of time without feeling fatigued.

More oxygen in the blood means that aerobic respiration will take place, which means more energy in the body.

August 14, 2010

Chronic Oxygen Debt Syndrome

Chronic Oxygen Debt Syndrome© is the relatively new term for a condition long known to cause a host of diseases in man. 

How often are we advised of the following do/don’t list:  exercise, eat low-fat, low-carb, low-calorie,  no sodas or sweets, get a good night’s sleep, manage stress, moderate alcohol intake and definitely no smoking. 
The lowest common denominator to the do/don’t list is this:  each pathway has an oxygen-related component. 

That is, if we follow the advice of what to do and what not to do, our oxygen cycle will be in healthy balance.  For everything we eat/drink/feel, there should be enough oxygen to metabolize it all.   No more free radicals, no more anaerobic energy production creating an acidic pH, no more fatigue. 

Most of us, though, do not adhere to the do/don’t list as we should.  What then of our oxygen balance?  Chronic Oxygen Debt Syndrome is what we call the on-going result of not enough of the dos and too much of the don’ts.  It’s what happens when we don’t take perfect care of ourselves. 

And Chronic Oxygen Debt Syndrome is responsible for disease and aging.
There is enormous probability of impaired oxygen transfer and cellular oxygen uptake in the majority of today's adult population, hence the interest in Alternate Oxygen Therapies, and specifically in oxygen-enriched drinking water.

Long-term ingestion of oxygen-enriched water should apply to the majority of the population, most of whom suffer from Chronic Oxygen Debt Syndrome.

Oxygen Water Aids In Cell Respiration

Overview of Cell Respiration

by T.H. Mathis

Ambient air is made up of 20.9% oxygen and several inert gases. Under ideal conditions, only a quarter of that oxygen we breathe is transferred to blood, through the alveoli in the lungs. About three quarters of the oxygen in inspired (breathed) air is still present as it is expired.  Therefore, if we inspire 500 CCs of air each time we breathe, 104.5 CCs is oxygen. We expire, or breathe out 78.3 CCs of oxygen, retaining 26.1 CCs of oxygen per breath, to do the work of respiration.  This is about 70% of one ounce per breath that is used by the body.  This is about 70% of one ounce per breath that is used by the body.

In health, an individual will have a respiratory system that will saturate 94-96% of the hemoglobin as it passes by the lungs. When a person is at rest, is elderly, loses fitness, or develops any number of circulatory or respiratory illnesses, the efficiency of the lungs decreases, lowering the oxygen saturation of the blood. Human blood should carry a dissolved oxygen level of about 4 ppm.

The total body water (TBW) content of adult men varies from 55% of body weight in the obese to 65% in thin individuals. Values for adult women are about 10% less. About two thirds of TBW is intracellular fluid and one third extra cellular. TBW content is normally regulated by a combination of factors; including the thirst mechanism.

The mention of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is necessary to the topic of aerobic and anaerobic respiration. ATP is the molecular net product of a sequence of processes collectively termed respiration. In aerobic cell respiration, ambient air, normally entrained with 20.9% oxygen, is inhaled and gas exchange occurs in the alveoli of the lungs. 

The lung is a diffusion organ, as is the placenta. (In the case of mother and fetus, there typically is no commingling of blood; nutrients and oxygen are delivered from the mother's blood but diffused through the placenta for utilization by the fetus).  Because the lungs consist largely of air tubes and elastic tissue, it is a spongy, elastic organ with a very large internal surface area for gas exchange. In normal adults this surface area is estimated to be approximately the size of a tennis court.

At the cellular level, anaerobic respiration occurs in a deficiency of oxygen in tissues of higher species and produces much less energy than the aerobic process: about 0.25 attojoules per glucose molecule versus 0.06 attojoules in aerobic


The normal pH value in the human body is 7.35 to 7.45, slightly alkaline. Remember that the range of pH is zero to 14, with a pH value of 7 considered neutral; lower numbers indicate acidity and higher numbers indicate alkalinity. Anaerobic energy production occurs, ultimately creating a byproduct, lactic acid, hence reducing pH, toward the acidic.


The lower the acidity of the plasma, the less oxygen will be taken up by the hemoglobin or the more will be lost by it. This is called the Bohr Effect. The main factor governing pH of the plasma is the amount of carbon dioxide in the bloodstream (writer's note: carbon dioxide and oxygen are the yin/yang of respiration); CO2 reacts with water to form carbonic acid, which then dissociates hydrogen ions to cause a fall in pH.

In addition, anaerobic respiration results in incomplete breakdown of glucose, producing ethyl alcohol, toxic to most living tissue. If the oxygen supply in an aerobic system becomes seriously depleted, the process is arrested at an intermediate stage, and anaerobic glycolosis takes over, giving the lactate that appears in overworked muscles.

The fundamental formula for life is  Oxygen + Nutrients = Energy.

Anti-Aging Benefits of Drinking Oxygen Water

Your body is made up of 60% water! Let's take a very basic concept and apply it to how we age. If you get a new sponge and saturate it with water the sponge will appear full and healthy. Now take that same sponge and squeeze all the water out of it and leave it on the counter. See what happens? The sponge becomes hard and unhealthy looking right? Well that's about as basic of an example as you can get -- more water in your body means better health...period. Oxygenated water in your body means even better health because you are getting more oxygen into your body at the cellular level.

Extra oxygen water in your body means more energy, and more energy means better health.

Aging is a natural process in humans and animals and is inevitable, however the advent of anti-aging human research has given us ways to slow the process down but not stop it completely. The aging of our bodies is synonymous with the wearing out of all of our body parts. Free radical damage from pollution, radiation, and toxic substances that we are exposed to on a daily basis are the main contributors to the aging of all tissues in our body.

If you look around you see that some people age very well, whereas others age at a rapid rate. Lifestyle plays a huge part in how well we age. The best way to begin combating the effects of aging is to begin reinforcing your body as early in life as possible, and managing your oxygen balance is the first place to start.

However, treatment intervention is never too late at any age. A comprehensive approach to anti-aging does not necessarily involves lifestyle changes, diet and nutritional supplements.  It may be something as simple as drinking oxygen water and taking oxygen supplements.

People have plastic surgery to rebuild their outside appearance from the effects of age, but neglect to work on the rest of their bodies.  We can deleted the previous statement. Drinking oxygenated water is a good choice in combating the effects of aging because it helps at the cellular level, from the inside out.

I am interested in buying the big pitcher, but I want to know this blender works. Do you have to connect the blender to a oxigen tank ? In our environment there is too little oxigen to use regular air, so I am wondering how this works. Thanking you in advance,

I often view responses to inquiries and felt that your question deserved a more detailed answer.

The air we breathe is typically 20.9% oxygen.  A significant deviation from that percentage would result in calamity, with living creatures unable to survive.  But having said that, as we inhale and exhale, our bodies end up using only about 25% of that oxygen.

The Big Pitcher is designed to efficiently dissolve oxygen into your drinking water.  The oxygen is no longer a gas, but becomes a property of your drinking water.

It has been determined that most of us need supplemental oxygen.  The Big Pitcher is a safe, simple way to get that supplemental oxygen.

Hi...I bought the unit several months ago and lost the directions on how to care for it and clean it.  can you tell me what I need to do?  put peroxide?  if much vs water and how often.  thanks,  Cathy

All water contains minerals and over time, the diffuser (located in the "wagon wheel" at the bottom of the Pitcher, will be affected.  You will want to do this procedure regularly, depending on the purity of the source water you drink from The Big Pitcher. (e.g. more often maintenance for tap water vs less often maintenance for distilled water.)

Here's how to maintain The Big Pitcher.
Empty The Big Pitcher and add just enough hydrogen peroxide (does NOT have to be food grade -- just the kind you buy at the pharmacy or grocery store) to fill the six "holes" in the wagon wheel.

Operate The Big Pitcher for about 15 minutes.  Empty, rinse and you're back to healthy hydration!

Does the Pitcher get rid of all contaminants in the water including heavy metals or does it need to be filtered first.

How is your technology better than an aquarium oxygen pump ? I will purchase one if you can explain this.

The Big Pitcher uses aeration as its method of oxygenation.  According to the US EPA, aeration is the most efficient method, compared to agitation, or even pushing pure oxygen into water under pressure.

Press Kit

If you have any questions about Oxygen Orchard, Inc. please feel free to contact us at

We’d love to hear from you!

I Thought Water Is Made Up Of Hydrogen And Oxygen. Why Would I Need More?

You are correct!

water is made up of 2 hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. This combination of atoms is known as the chemical property of water. But the physical properties of water are different. These properties include, among other things, temperature, pH, purity, and oxygen saturation. Water may have little oxygen (as from a water well) to an abundance of oxygen, such as rainwater.

What is Chronic Oxygen Debt Syndrome?

Basic chemistry reveals that organic material requires oxygen to decompose. The same is true inside your body. Chronic Oxygen Debt Syndrome (CODS) is the result of an imbalance of organics (everything you eat, drink and breathe) and OXYGEN over a long period of time. Research indicates that CODS is the primary cause of a multitude of illnesses, obesity and depression.

Why Is Drinking Oxygen Water Important

Without a doubt, oxygen is the most important element for life. At the cellular level, NUTRIENTS + OXYGEN = ENERGY. So to support cellular energy, which translates to health and wellness, the body must have adequate oxygen to metabolize the food, the drink and the chemicals we breathe and ingest.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is drinking oxygen water important?
How much does the The Big Pitcher cost?

What is The Big Pitcher? [top]
The Big Pitcher is a small electric appliance that oxygenates and purifies your drinking water. It holds about 64 ounces (1/2 gallon) of water. It operates anywhere there's an electrical outlet without the hassle of filters or faucet attachments. There are three parts: the Base, the Pitcher and the Lid. The Big Pitcher carries a 1-year limited warranty.

Why should I drink water with oxygen? [top]
It is a medical fact that our bodies need oxygen for healthy living. Because of lifestyle choices, our cells usually demand more oxygen than our pulmonary systems can deliver. TheBigPitcher is a convenient and safe way to supplement your body's oxygen.

Why would you drink water with no to low oxygen if you have the choice? You shouldn't! Your drinking water should have the highest possible natural saturation of oxygen, which is about 11 parts per million. We've designed a durable, attractive appliance to add the maximum, safe amount of oxygen to your drinking water.

I use a filtration unit for my drinking water at home. What does your product remove that isn't already removed with the filter? [top]
The Big Pitcher eliminates the bad taste caused by chlorine, radon, fluoride and sulfur gases, as well as particulates that make water "hard". It adds something very important to drinking water that our bodies need for health: OXYGEN. Remember, carbon filtration REMOVES OXYGEN from water. It is the chemical nature of carbon.

What's wrong with just drinking tap water since it's pretty inexpensive? [top]
For less than 10 cents you can have your recommended 64 ounces of tap water per day. But if oxygen supplementation is your goal, which it should be, tap water typically has less than 2 parts per million dissolved oxygen, plus lots of chlorine. Oxygenate your tap water with The Big Pitcher and enjoy the refreshing taste of 11 parts per million dissolved oxygen with no chlorine!

Does The Big Pitcher purify water? [top]
Yes, but a better description might be that it "polishes" your drinking water. The Big Pitcher purifies but does not purify as effectively as filtration or reverse osmosis. It should not be substituted for your filtration system. The ideal is to complement purified water with The Big Pitcher. For those who require very pure drinking water, distilled is the purest water available. Even more important is that The Big Pitcher oxygenates your water.

My doctor said the GI tract does not absorb oxygen from water and that drinking oxygen-rich water is a waste of time and money. Why would he say this? [top]
It is true that your GI tract is not designed to absorb gases such as oxygen. But your GI tract CAN and DOES absorb liquid. Your GI tract absorbs liquid saturated with oxygen, just as it absorbs liquid with no oxygen, liquids with sugar, such as soft drinks, and liquids which scavenge oxygen, such as alcohol. Oxygen becomes a property of the water itself - it is no longer a free gas. This is a law of physics easily referenced.

Are athletes the ones who would benefit the most by drinking your oxygenated water? [top]
I've read about super-charged oxygen drinks for athletes and body builders in the fitness magazines and was curious. Everyone, including YOU, can benefit! Oxygen is depleted in many ways:

   1. As your body metabolizes what you eat, drink, breathe
   2. If your body mass index is inappropriately high (i.e. more fatty tissue than the recommended muscle tissue)
   3. As you exercise and your muscle tissue expends more oxygen than it is receiving.
   4. Everyday stress creates hormone secretions, which is a natural "toxin" that must be metabolized.
   5. If your choice of food and drink required more oxygen to metabolize.
   6. Aging means more deterioration of cells and therefore greater metabolic need.
   7. Taking medications and supplements greatly reduces the body's available oxygen.
   8. There are many more scenarios in which oxygen is depleted.

What kind of maintenance does The Big Pitcher require and how often? [top]
All water contains minerals and to dissolve these minerals, you will clean The Big Pitcher about once a month, using hydrogen peroxide, or dilute household Chlorox. Fill the "wagon wheel" at the bottom of it with cleaning solution and operate for about 15 minutes. Rinse, refill with water and in about 15 minutes, your oxygen-rich water is ready to drink!

If your source water is more pure, i.e. already filtered, maintenance is required less often.

How does the water taste after it's been in The Big Pitcher for a couple of days? [top]
Great! You'll be continuously recharging with your choice of source water each time you pour a glass or two to drink and this can go on until you clean The Big Pitcher. It is designed to operate continuously.

How much does the The Big Pitcher cost? [top]
Well, it's really a bargain when you think about how much money you will be saving and here's why. You may not know that there are one or two other appliances on the market today that oxygenate your drinking water. They cost twice as much as The Big Pitcher, hold less water and are not as energy-efficient.

If you can eliminate the expense of bottled water and its waste footprint even a little - what is that worth? What is your health and wellness worth to you? If you are intent upon the very best water quality for you and your family, then The Big Pitcher is for you. One unit serves three people easily. Its durability means years of service, with no disposable parts to buy. The cost is $229.95 which includes free shipping and no taxes and is proudly made in the U.S.A.

About Oxygen Orchard

Teri Mathis,
President, Oxygen Orchard, Inc. and Co-inventor of The Big Pitcher

Teri Mathis was born in south Georgia and moved with her family from Georgia to Michigan to Alabama to Texas, as her civil engineer father completed construction of megawatt power plants.

Her roots in Texas have spread since her arrival as she began her first career in the financial industry, with Merrill Lynch in the newly built Houston Galleria.  After fifteen years, most of it with PaineWebber as a stockbroker, she found that she had a special affinity for microbiology and chemistry, as she worked in a totally different type of industry for the next seventeen years  – bioremediation of industrial wastewater.

From the mid 1980s, Teri immersed herself in study, in business development and in actual in-the-field treatment of contaminated waste water from petroleum hydrocarbon process plants along the Texas Gulf Coast and in Venezuela.  Her company served clients such as Occidental Chemical, Lyondell Petrochemical and Dixie Chemical.

During early 2000, Teri Mathis decided to try to drink the recommended 8 glasses of water per day, so she tested her well water with a YSI-55 Dissolved Oxygen Meter – a tool she often used in her environmental bioremediation business.

Knowing water is capable of  certain levels of oxygen saturation, when she found there was no oxygen in the water she began the quest for an answer:  Is oxygen an important, but overlooked, factor in drinking water quality?

The journey began with an on-line search, and trips to the Houston Public Library and the Rice University Library.  Finding no definitive answer, she became an avid researcher on the subject of oxygen and Chronic Oxygen Debt Syndrome, a term she coined.

Publishing her new book in summer, 2010, Teri is eager to bring the fruits of her research to the health-conscious public and perhaps to traditional medicine.  Using such diverse references as Hippocrates, Adele Davis, biology, chemistry and microbiology textbooks and everything in between, she shines a light on an often-misunderstood theory:  the benefits of drinking oxygenated water.

It’s misunderstood because oxygen saturated into water is no longer in gaseous form, but becomes one of the physical properties of the water itself, useful in the energy-producing mitochondria of every cell.

Teri eschews pseudo-science and unless her theories can be supported by the scientific work of others, it does not appear in her book.

Teri and her husband received a US Patent which protects the technology embodied in The Big Pitcher.  They reside in Fort Bend County, Texas where they manufacture The Big Pitcher, the first of many alternative oxygen therapy products they plan to bring to the marketplace, through their company, Oxygen Orchard, Inc.   

Customer Service

We strive to provide our customers excellence in service by maintaining a professional attitude with a personal approach. We believe that our contact with you shapes who we are as a company and welcome any comments, questions or concerns.

You can reach customer service by writing us at or by calling us at

You can reach us by snail mail at:
Oxygen Orchard, Inc.
P.O. Drawer A
Orchard, TX 77464

Returns and Defects

Due to the nature of the product no returns will be accepted unless they are deemed defective. This protects the health and safety of our customers. Any item designed to come into contact with any body part or fluid is non-returnable and non-resalable.

If an item is found defective within 14 days of purchase please contact us at to let us know of the issue. When emailing about a defect, please cite your original order number or your confirmation number. Once the defective item is received back into our offices we will ship a replacement to you free of charge. Any item returned must have all original parts, packaging, batteries if applicable, cords, controls, blank warranty cards, and instructions etc.

Shipping Information

United States Postal Service is the postal carrier most used for Oxygen Orchard, Inc. purchases. We send via Priority Mail unless otherwise requested and takes 3-10 business days. Prices shown include all shipping and handling fees with the exception of customs fees should we be shipping anywhere outside the continental United States.

All orders are processed on the same day or following business day if the order is made on a weekend or after 1pm EST.

You should receive a confirmation email and tracking number for all orders within 48 hours of making your purchase.

If you do not receive this email please contact customer service at or call 1.877.347.7770. We try our best to ensure that every item you order is in stock. If by chance an item is on back order you will receive an email to let you know of any delay.

Alternative Oxygen Therapy in The Big Pitcher

Why The Big Pitcher?

Several laws of physics govern how certain gases dissolve into certain liquids, and specifically how oxygen dissolves into water.  Oxygen dissolving into water, quite simply, is governed by these physical laws.

So when you drink “oxygenated water” from The Big Pitcher, you are drinking water with 99% oxygen saturation; the oxygen is no longer a gas but a health-giving physical property of your drinking water.
Regrettably, few MDs are conversant in water chemistry.  The perfusion biophysics involved in the role of dissolved oxygen in the body and of established biochemical principles (see Le Chatelier’s Principle) are perhaps not included in medical school curriculum.  Yet.

When you drink a glass of oxygenated water, the first thing that occurs is absorption of the oxygen-rich water through the soft tissue in the mouth, throat and esophagus.  Absorption occurs regardless of what you drink or eat – your soft tissue is absorbing the sugar from soda, the salt from chips, the nutrients from foods … and the water which is now rich in healing, cleansing oxygen. 

Remember that your body is 2/3 water.  Water is inside and outside of each and every cell.  The quality, and quantity, of that water is the difference between health and illness, between energy and fatigue, both micro and macro.

In the mitochondria – those tiny energy factories in each of our trillions of cells --  oxygen and hydrogen ions convert what you’ve ingested into the energy you need to live and be active.  The basic formula for life and wellness, then, can be simplified as follows:

Nutrients + Oxygen = Energy

Overweight?  Looking for an easy, reliable anti-aging program? Dehydrated?  Athletic? Trying to raise your pH? Depressed?  On prescription meds?  Fatigued?  Have circulatory or pulmonary problems?  Suffer from sleep disorders?  Have diabetes?  Want to aid digestion?

You get the picture… so much of your health depends on oxygen.  Think about it and call us or order your Big Pitcher today.

The Big Pitcher gives you safe, convenient supplemental oxygen in an attractive, cost-efficient device – no filters to replace, no plumbing to install, no bulky equipment!

(Oh – and your water will taste exquisitely fresh!)


"We have seen some change in our 96-year old male with Alzheimers... overall, more sharp and alert, more interested in what's going on in his surroundings... like he is remembering more things... the only change in his diet and medication is The Big Pitcher."
Candy L., Carpio, SD

"The Big Pitcher definitely works wonders on our chlorinated tap water. The difference in the smell and taste is remarkable. It makes it more lively--kind of effervescent."
Mike H., Salado, CO

"Thank you so much for coming up with the idea of making oxygenated water at home. I have a chronic immune system ailment that requires medications along with vitamin supplementation. My doctor recommended oxygen enriched water, purchased commercially, which added energy to my usually tiring (and trying) days. The cost caused me to search around for an affordable source. Now that I have my own "Pitcher", I have an endless affordable supply."
Sara M., Houston, TX

"Amazing product. I understand just how important oxygen is to your body! The Big Pitcher really delivers. My energy level jumpled up in the past week. It also makes the water more smooth and tasty! I highly recommend The Big Pitcher."
Scotty, Sky Mall Magazine Customer

"Shortly after I decided to start drinking bottled oxygenated water, I saw The Bit Pitcher at a Home and Garden Show. I couldn't believe that someone had actually come up with a system to make oxygenated water. Needless to say, I purchased a unit immediately. The unit paid for itself in under a month."
Bob M., Houston, TX