August 16, 2010

Oxygen Deprivation – The Major Cause Of All Disease

By: Gillian Grannum
Dr. Otto Warburg, a two-time Nobel Prize winner surprised the world when he revealed that the cause of most disease is lack of a sufficient oxygen in the body. People in today's society lack oxygen in sufficient supply  to promote and maintain good health. Oxygen deficiency fosters the build-up of disease in the body, which, over time, takes hold and overwhelms the body's immune system.
Studies performed to determine oxygen supply to the body showed that only 15 percent of oxygen is incorporated in the blood stream. The overabundance of air pollutants in today’s world makes it exceedingly difficult for the body's cells to get the oxygen they need. This oxygen shortage is compounded by poor breathing practices, the consumption of over-processed foods and the uncontrolled use of antibiotics, all of which sum to oxygen deprivation.

To compensate for this some health-conscious individuals practice deep breathing exercises. Though helpful, deep breathing exercises do not restore oxygen in sufficient quantities to sustain optimum health.

How To Eradicate Disease
All you have to do is maintain a healthy body. This is the greatest immunity against all forms of disease. Sounds simply enough, doesn't it? Yet this relationship between the intake of oxygen in sufficient quantity and maintenance of well-being deeply threatens the American medical industry.

The Scourge of Medical Conglomerates
This industry derives ridiculous profits from selling you costly medicines and recommending the use of expensive therapies. There is absolutely no profit to be made when you maintain a high standard of health and well-being.

What’s worse, these conglomerates insure the continuance of their overpriced "cures" through creating and supporting pharma-cartels composed of activists with access to important decision-makers within federal agencies and the United States Congress. The result? Many individuals are over-medicated. One completely out-of-control form of drug therapy is that of pharmaceutical antibiotics. These have been prescribed to the point where they have, for the most part, lost their effectiveness.  Ever-increasing amounts must be taken to counteract bacterial infection to the delight of those manufacturing antibiotics.

What Is The One-Minute Cure?
It is the simplest, most efficient and yet very affordable solution that supplies the body with the necessary oxygen it needs. This is the secret pharmaceutical companies and other health agencies in America  want hidden from you. This one-time cure eradicates not only the most virulent cancers but virtually all disease. In fact, AIDS patients in the later stage of this disease who discovered this secret overcame the odds and were revived to health and well-being.

Believe It Or Not, Even Cancer Can Be Cured
One of the most important requirements to curing cancer is that of supplying the human body with sufficient oxygen for  the body's cells and tissues. Increased oxygen accelerates the production of strong cells that multiply quickly, restore the body's immune system which then assists in the eradication of disease. This process is called Oxygenation Therapy (also known as Bio-Oxidative therapy).

Want To Know More?
Information on this and much more has been put together by Madison Cavanaugh. He tells you exactly what to do and explains why this extraordinary therapy has been hidden from the American people on purpose. He explains why you should get information now -- before it is banned by business enterprises, associations and organizations that will definitely be financially threatened once you learn how to maintain wellness for yourself.

About the Author
Gillian C. Grannum, Ph.D. -- The advanced alternative treatment proven on all forms of disease, including cancer! (ArticlesBase SC #1301190) Article Source: - Oxygen Deprivation – The Major Cause Of All Disease


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Candy L., Carpio, SD

"The Big Pitcher definitely works wonders on our chlorinated tap water. The difference in the smell and taste is remarkable. It makes it more lively--kind of effervescent."
Mike H., Salado, CO

"Thank you so much for coming up with the idea of making oxygenated water at home. I have a chronic immune system ailment that requires medications along with vitamin supplementation. My doctor recommended oxygen enriched water, purchased commercially, which added energy to my usually tiring (and trying) days. The cost caused me to search around for an affordable source. Now that I have my own "Pitcher", I have an endless affordable supply."
Sara M., Houston, TX

"Amazing product. I understand just how important oxygen is to your body! The Big Pitcher really delivers. My energy level jumpled up in the past week. It also makes the water more smooth and tasty! I highly recommend The Big Pitcher."
Scotty, Sky Mall Magazine Customer

"Shortly after I decided to start drinking bottled oxygenated water, I saw The Bit Pitcher at a Home and Garden Show. I couldn't believe that someone had actually come up with a system to make oxygenated water. Needless to say, I purchased a unit immediately. The unit paid for itself in under a month."
Bob M., Houston, TX