August 17, 2010

Chronic Oxygen Debt Syndrome

Chronic Oxygen Debt Syndrome© is the relatively new term for a condition long known to cause a host of diseases in man. 

How often are we advised of the following do/don’t list:  exercise, eat low-fat, low-carb, low-calorie,  no sodas or sweets, get a good night’s sleep, manage stress, moderate alcohol intake and definitely no smoking. 
The lowest common denominator to the do/don’t list is this:  each pathway has an oxygen-related component. 

That is, if we follow the advice of what to do and what not to do, our oxygen cycle will be in healthy balance.  For everything we eat/drink/feel, there should be enough oxygen to metabolize it all.   No more free radicals, no more anaerobic energy production creating an acidic pH, no more fatigue. 

Most of us, though, do not adhere to the do/don’t list as we should.  What then of our oxygen balance?  Chronic Oxygen Debt Syndrome is what we call the on-going result of not enough of the dos and too much of the don’ts.  It’s what happens when we don’t take perfect care of ourselves. 

And Chronic Oxygen Debt Syndrome is responsible for disease and aging.
There is enormous probability of impaired oxygen transfer and cellular oxygen uptake in the majority of today's adult population, hence the interest in Alternate Oxygen Therapies, and specifically in oxygen-enriched drinking water.

Long-term ingestion of oxygen-enriched water should apply to the majority of the population, most of whom suffer from Chronic Oxygen Debt Syndrome.


"We have seen some change in our 96-year old male with Alzheimers... overall, more sharp and alert, more interested in what's going on in his surroundings... like he is remembering more things... the only change in his diet and medication is The Big Pitcher."
Candy L., Carpio, SD

"The Big Pitcher definitely works wonders on our chlorinated tap water. The difference in the smell and taste is remarkable. It makes it more lively--kind of effervescent."
Mike H., Salado, CO

"Thank you so much for coming up with the idea of making oxygenated water at home. I have a chronic immune system ailment that requires medications along with vitamin supplementation. My doctor recommended oxygen enriched water, purchased commercially, which added energy to my usually tiring (and trying) days. The cost caused me to search around for an affordable source. Now that I have my own "Pitcher", I have an endless affordable supply."
Sara M., Houston, TX

"Amazing product. I understand just how important oxygen is to your body! The Big Pitcher really delivers. My energy level jumpled up in the past week. It also makes the water more smooth and tasty! I highly recommend The Big Pitcher."
Scotty, Sky Mall Magazine Customer

"Shortly after I decided to start drinking bottled oxygenated water, I saw The Bit Pitcher at a Home and Garden Show. I couldn't believe that someone had actually come up with a system to make oxygenated water. Needless to say, I purchased a unit immediately. The unit paid for itself in under a month."
Bob M., Houston, TX