August 16, 2010

Oxygen- The Most Vital Element to Human Health- Are You Getting the Oxygen You Need?

Author: L. Nichols
Oxygen is the most vital element for the human body. So why is it then, the one element of our health that we all take for granted. The answer is simple- while we are breathing one breath after another, we just presume that we are getting enough of it! The truth is though, that this is not the case. 200 years ago the quality of the air was much higher with an oxygen quantity of 30%. Today though, as a result of global pollution and the depletion of our natural resources the air only contains 19% oxygen and in some cities as low as 10% oxygen.

Oxygen in the blood stream nourishes the body's cells, creates energy and helps break down waste products and toxins. It creates immune system defense and it regulates the body's pH balance. Oxygen plays a crucial role in the fight against disease. It has been proven that diseases such as Cancer thrive in an acid pH, so it is imperative that we oxygenate our bodies and maintain an Alkaline pH if we wish to maintain our health and wellness.

Oxygen in the body is necessary for all vital functions and the elimination of waste products. Oxygen gives our bodies the fighting power to resist pathogens, bacteria and viruses.

Cardiovascular physiologist Dr Arthur Guyton MD has been quoted as saying "All chronic suffering is caused from lack of oxygen at the cell level".

It is a proven fact that oxygen deficiency eventually leads to disease or illness of some form. "Insufficient oxygen means insufficient biological energy that can result in anything from mild fatigue to life threatening disease" as quoted by Dr W Spencer Way- who wrote in the Journal of the American Association of Physicians.

There are many factors that cause Oxygen Deficiency. Some of these are : Overcooking our food which kills the enzymes, Breathing carbon monoxide fumes which strips oxygen from the blood, Eating processed foods that have little or no oxygen content and are full of chemicals, Drinking tap water with chemical additives such as flouride, De-forestation, Alcohol and Lack of exercise.

Exercise is the easiest way to get oxygen into the bloodstream. The problem is though, that in today's society the majority of people are not making time, or simply cannot find the time to exercise.

Dr Paris Kid PhD is quoted as saying "We can look at oxygen deficiency as the single greatest cause of all disease!" Oxygen deprivation to the cells can cause a wide range of conditions, some of these are: premature aging, body weakness, muscle aches, stress and anxiety, irritability, fatigue, circulation problems, viral infections, poor digestion, bacterial and fungal infections and memory loss.

It is a proven fact that diseases such as cancer and AIDS, herpes and hepatitis, cannot tolerate high oxygen cells in the blood stream. This alone is reason enough to make a conscious effort to ensure you are oxygenating the blood. If you feel that factors of your environment could be depleting the oxygen supply to your bloodstream, be sure to take a daily oxygen supplement to help counteract these factors.

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About the Author
Lyn Nichols is and expert online trainer for Mastermind Pros and Liberty Health Net. She presents a weekly live training session on oxygen and other health topics. Lyn recommends the oxygen supplement from Liberty Health Net.


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Candy L., Carpio, SD

"The Big Pitcher definitely works wonders on our chlorinated tap water. The difference in the smell and taste is remarkable. It makes it more lively--kind of effervescent."
Mike H., Salado, CO

"Thank you so much for coming up with the idea of making oxygenated water at home. I have a chronic immune system ailment that requires medications along with vitamin supplementation. My doctor recommended oxygen enriched water, purchased commercially, which added energy to my usually tiring (and trying) days. The cost caused me to search around for an affordable source. Now that I have my own "Pitcher", I have an endless affordable supply."
Sara M., Houston, TX

"Amazing product. I understand just how important oxygen is to your body! The Big Pitcher really delivers. My energy level jumpled up in the past week. It also makes the water more smooth and tasty! I highly recommend The Big Pitcher."
Scotty, Sky Mall Magazine Customer

"Shortly after I decided to start drinking bottled oxygenated water, I saw The Bit Pitcher at a Home and Garden Show. I couldn't believe that someone had actually come up with a system to make oxygenated water. Needless to say, I purchased a unit immediately. The unit paid for itself in under a month."
Bob M., Houston, TX